ARRT Members & Contact Information

(Select the row headings to expand or collapse the list of contacts)

  • Ms. Julie Liford-Parker, Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation, Planner for Arctic Western Alaska Area Committee, Southeast Alaska Area Committee, Prince William Sound Area Committee, and Alaska Inland Area Committee
  • Ms. Mary Goolie, Environmental Protection Agency, Planner for Alaska Inland Area Committee
  • LCDR JoEllen Arons, U.S. Coast Guard, Area Secretary for Arctic Western Alaska Area Committee
  • LT Shelby Frasca, U.S. Coast Guard, Area Secretary for Prince William Sound Area Committee
  • LT Lindsay Wheeler, U.S. Coast Guard, Area Secretary for Southeast Alaska Area Committee
State of Alaska, Department of Environmental Conservation
U.S. Coast Guard (Coastal & Marine Zone)
Environmental Protection Agency
  • A list of all committee members and contacts is available here
  • Science and Technology Committee
  • Wildlife Protection Committee
  • Cultural Resouces Protection Committee
  • Alaska Statewide Planning Committee