ARRT Members & Contact Information
(Select the row headings to expand or collapse the list of contacts)
- Ms. Beth Sheldrake, Alaska RRT Tri-Chair, Environmental Protection Agency - Emergency Response Program (Region 10)
- Ms. Stephanie Wenning, Alaska RRT Tri-Chair Alternate, Environmental Protection Agency - Emergency Response Program (Region 10)
- VACANT, Alaska RRT Tri-Chair, U.S. Coast Guard (17th Coast Guard District)
- CDR James McFerran, Alaska RRT Tri-Chair Alternate, U.S. Coast Guard (17th Coast Guard District)
- Ms. Teresa Melville, Interim Alaska RRT Tri-Chair, State of Alaska, Alaska Dept. of Environmental Conservation (ADEC)
- Mr. Graham Wood, Alaska RRT Tri-Chair Alternate, State of Alaska, Alaska Dept. of Environmental Conservation (ADEC)
- Ms. Michele Parker, Dept of Agriculture - US Forest Service
- Mr. Doug Helton, Dept of Commerce -National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)
- Ms. Heather Parker, Dept of Defense - U.S. Navy
- Mr. Conrad Gilbert, Dept of Energy
- Ms. Rhonda Kaetzel, Dept of Health & Human Services (DHHS) - Agency Toxic Substance & Disease Registry (ATSDR)
- Mr. Paul Valley, Dept of Homeland Security - Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)
- Ms. Lisa Fox, Dept of Interior
- Ms. Laurie D. Dubriel, Dept of Justice
- Mr. Michael Potter, Dept of Labor - Occupational Safety & Health Administration (OSHA)
- Ms. Leslie Hunt, Dept of State
- Mr. Jack Gilbertsen, Dept Of Transportation – Federal Aviation Administration
- Mr. John Fitzgibbon, General Services Administration
- Mr. Nestor Makris, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission
- LT Angella Gebert, U.S. Coast Guard, 540-645-8163
- Ms. Mary Goolie, Environmental Protection Agency, (907) 271-3414
- Mr. Ytamar Rodriguez, Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation, (907) 269-7640
- Ms. Julie Liford-Parker, Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation, Planner for Arctic Western Alaska Area Committee, Southeast Alaska Area Committee, Prince William Sound Area Committee, and Alaska Inland Area Committee
- Ms. Mary Goolie, Environmental Protection Agency, Planner for Alaska Inland Area Committee
- LCDR JoEllen Arons, U.S. Coast Guard, Area Secretary for Arctic Western Alaska Area Committee
- LT Shelby Frasca, U.S. Coast Guard, Area Secretary for Prince William Sound Area Committee
- LT Lindsay Wheeler, U.S. Coast Guard, Area Secretary for Southeast Alaska Area Committee
State of Alaska, Department of Environmental Conservation
- Ms. Anna Carey, SOSC for Central Alaska
- Ms. Rachel Krajewski, SOSC for Southeast Alaska
- Dr. Kimberley Maher, SOSC for Northern Alaska
- Mr. Bernie Nowicki, SOSC for Western Alaska
U.S. Coast Guard (Coastal & Marine Zone)
- CAPT Christopher Culpepper, FOSC for Central, Western, & Northern Alaska, Coast Guard Sector Anchorage
- CAPT Darwin Jensen, FOSC for Southeast Alaska, Coast Guard Sector Juneau
- CDR Sarah Rousseau, FOSC for Prince William Sound, Coast Guard Marine Safety Unit Valdez
Environmental Protection Agency
- Ms. Torri Huelskoetter, FOSC
- Mr. Robert Whitter, FOSC
- A list of all committee members and contacts is available here
- Science and Technology Committee
- Wildlife Protection Committee
- Cultural Resouces Protection Committee
- Alaska Statewide Planning Committee